Monday, September 17, 2007

99 Lives Radio: Bookmark This!

That's the link you need to feed your face with 99 Lives Radio if you don't have iTunes. Do it bros and sis'!

New episode this Saturday!

Pictures soon!

~Nick Fox

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Episode 12: Friendship! ...Friendship?

Is up on iTunes. Can you believe it? I cant.
In the beginning of the cast, I mention a call we got, and how I was going to play it at the end. Well, if you listen to the cast this week... i dont actually play it. One because it was a wrong number, and two because I couldnt find it on my computer. But who cares about wrong numbers anyway?

Hope you enjoy the cast...sometime soon we plan to get some sweet promo pictures up to pimp the cast. They will be amazing, I promise.

Until next week listeners,
~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Monday, September 10, 2007

Episode 11: Bastok's Second (and Third) Best Dressed.

IS NOW ON iTUNES!. go get it on the iTunes music store. It is a goodie.

Call us! 631-938-2929
e-mail us!
read this blog!

Episode 12 will be recorded on Friday!

~Nick Fox

Thursday, September 6, 2007

An Amazing Comeback?


The answer, is yes. Now that all my personal shit is here at school, we will be restarting the audio version of 99 Lives Radio starting asap. Sodoom and I will be recording on Friday nights from now on, so be sure to check the iTunes Music Store frequently for new episodes!

I don't know how many of you read the last post, but at that time I joined a new guild called Aphotic. As of 3 days ago, I am guildless again. I guess I'm cursed or something, because Ive been in two guilds that have broken in less than a week. Don't correct the grammar on that one, I'm tired and between classes.

So be sure to check and your iTunes music store for episode 11 of 99 Lives Radio soon!

~Nick Fox

Friday, August 31, 2007


No, this isn't about guild wars... as far as I know, that game sucks. No, this is about guilds; in all of their glorious drama.

Up until this week I have had a more than plesent affair with guilds in world of warcraft. I was in a guild called "Oblivion Reborn" (fit right in with those other classic numetal names) and everything was real fine.

So apparently something happened one night after I went to sleep, and when I logged on the next day, half the lvl 70 members were gone, the GM had stepped down, then more aussies left because of the new GM, and then the former GM apoligizing to the 2 people on at the time and gquitting.

So me and my girlfriend (Bouba 70 warrior protection) didn't know what to do. Should we jump ship and find greener pastures? Should we try to bring back the OR team and keep raiding Kara?

Well, all the last stuff was too much work, so we decided to leave. Bye Oblivion Reborn, Hello guildless life!

And what a life it is. Tells from the top 10 guilds would stream in constantly (moreso for Bouba than myself). We put a few apps on a few guild websites and long story short, we finally arrived at a guild called Aphotic (it means lightless, duh) lists them as #11th guild on Eonar, which is an improvement from #51 Oblivion Reborn. Yet Aphotic remains casual and youthful, which is a good thing.

check out to check your guild's ranking, as well as who is first on your server.

ATM Zumacrume is in all the primal mooncloth gear, and saving mats for the whitemend set and pvp boots. oh pvp with a holy priest.

Check back soon for more Eonar updates!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wrath of the Lich King info

Hey all
I plan on updating this blog more since it is easier to update than a podcast, so to kick it off, here is an good link to a 25 minute interview with Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan at the Leipzig Games Convention telling a lot about the new World of Warcraft xpack

So check that out, and also notice that patch 2.2 will have voice chat, and patch 2.3 will unlock Zul'Aman in Ghostlands.

~Nick Fox

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Episode 8 Now on iTunes

Go check out Episode 8: Let's Get Sweaty!, now on the iTunes music store.

Please leave us feedback there, or e-mail us at

Also, voice your opinions on the voicemail box: 631-938-2929

Any calls recieved will be aired, so be sure to call!

~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Friday, June 1, 2007

Episode 8: Let's Get Sweaty!

The episode will be up tonight on the iTunes music store. All the raw audio is edited (im at work at the moment) and all that needs to be added is intro and outro music. Since this was the first episode on the new recording software, we dont have any 'between-the-segment' music, but this will be fixed for episode 9.

I'll post again when the cast is up and running!

thanks for listening!
~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Monday, April 30, 2007


Hell-o everyone.
I know you're all waiting for Episode 8... and it might happen this Saturday! Sodoom and I are gathering for a day of video gaming, fooding, D&D'ing, and all around shit. If we can figure it out, we'll record a real shitty version of the show using a headset and/or onboard laptop microphone. We apologize for it, but hey, its better than no episode.

Anyway, the real purpose of this blog entry is to thank everyone who have left comments on iTunes, or anywhere else for that matter. Keep doing it, and I assure you a great many years of 99 lives!

For personal news, I transferred my 29 Undead Warlock over from Mannoroth to Eonar. It is so much better. I intend on zerging him up as fast as possible. Also, my Tauren Shaman dinged 45 last night in Zul'Farrak. That was pretty cool. 5 more talent points til I max out the resto tree. wewt.

Also, I've been going through serious FFXI withdrawl recently. Anyone else getting that? I miss my puppetmaster/white mage. and my 75bard/white mage. le sigh.

thats all for now everyone. Please stay tuned for the next episode which is coming really soon.

keep playing pokemon. I got Chimchar to evolve yesterday, along with Chinx who is now a electric/dark pokemon. Chimchars evolution is now fire/fighting. so good.

~Nick Fox

Friday, April 27, 2007

Not Episode 8: Worst Headset Ever. A Filler for Teh Kids.

The newest episode is up on iTunes and other assorted pod catchers...

its not a real episode, pretty much only Nick Fox verbally harassing pokemon.

We are recording a real episode hopefully tomorrow?

stay tuned folks...

and love you chinxes

~Nick Fox and this time, not Sodoom

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Hands-on

So yes dear listeners, Nick Fox woke up at 7am to rush down to the local in mall video game store to get a copy of both pokemon diamond and Pearl...

For those of you living under geodudes, pokemon diamond and Pearl were released simultaniously this morning at 8am here on Long Island, and I was among the first to pick them up.

Me and my girlfriend went into to city, I got Pokemon Pearl, while she got Pokemon Diamond. We played for about 3 hours total today on the train, here is the thoughts:

First off, the graphics aren't has unhashed as I previously thought. Instead of mostly top down view, its now mostly 3/4 view, which is ok. Things like buildings and stuff look kind of three dimentional, and things are kind of pretty looking. But I can't compare the graphics to anything found in the FF3 release (those begining cut scenes.... made me speechless)

So graphics aside, here are some gameplay issues:
1) The game relies A LOT on the touchpad. Nothing fun like minigames (yet, I have hopes after reading the game booklet), but mostly touching through menus to get your pokemon to attack, or to throw a pokeball, etc.
This is ok, since you can get through all of the menus with the d-pad, but silly things like extra description menus of pokeballs and potions can get unnessesary after a few hours.
2) The pokemon - I know it's only 3 hours in... but can I get some less cute pokemon? The starting 3 pokemon are, as everyone suspects, a grass type, a fire type, and a water type. The grass type pokemon is a turtle, the water type is a penguin, and the fire type is a.... chimpanzee? of course I went with the chimpanzee, whose name happens to be CHIMCHAR! all cute as hell, including the pokemon you fight in the wild, which include both beavers and electric cat like things. Pidgey rip-off's also included.
3) WTF happened to prof oak? The loveable old man who gets you into pokemon in the first place is totally AWOL, which leaves the stage open for some other grey haired scientest. Instead of being warmly introduced into pokemon, you pretty much steal some to keep from being killed by the pidgey rip-offs, and due to the amazing impression you make on the stolen pokemon, you can't give them back. Guess this new scientest will have to recruit you and your friend into helping him know every pokemon in the world. Sounds like the begining of a pokemon collecting adventure!

The game is good so far, and color-wise, looks amazing on the DS lite. Owning a DS fat, i felt bad for myself, but my girlfriend let me look at the cool pokemon on hers. By cool, I mean colorful, not uncute. I'm still waiting for those.

so go pick up Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I am not getting paid to say that. New pokemon, as well as old favorites like geodude and abra are around to teleport away and totally ruin your night. Uploading for firered, leafgreen, and other advance pokemon games make filling your pokedex even less nerve-wracking!

thats all for now... episode 8 will happen this weekend, we hope.

by the way, in my pokemon pearl file, i made my name tuza, and my friend is Sodoom. and of course, sodoom took the fucking strong element over my pokemon, the queer.

so long for now!
~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Monday, April 16, 2007

Episode 8: Where Is It?

OMFG guys and girls... what a crazy few weeks it has been!

Let me update you on what has been going on:

During spring break, Nick Fox was admitted to the hospital for 7 days which, in the end, resulted in surgury. He is fine, albeit one gallbladder short. He had 5 gallstones, and doctors needed to remove it. Nick Fox says it is where he stored all his soulshards, so... he now rerolled as a Shaman.

After that, Nick Fox also got into a fight with the higher ups at WUSB radio, subsequently quitting, and thereby losing the 99 Lives Radio Recording Studio. So, we haven't had a place to record the podcast. This was all last week, by the way. So now, Nick Fox searches the internet to find ways to get all the recording done on his laptop, for as free as he can.

Meanwhile.. Sodoom idles by and makes fun of Nick Fox. Sodoom speaks spanish and eats Quiznos subs and plays video games and lets Nick Fox fix everything ^_~

So, in the long and short of it... WE'RE WORKIN' ON IT!

99 Lives Radio has no intentions of disappearing on the great void which is the internet. I will be recording all of this tonight (hopefully) by myself (me being Nick Fox) and posting it as a filler non-episode, so you can get all of these updates fed right to your iTunes.

Stay Tuned for Episode 8.... as soon as we can fucking figure out what we're doing with our lives. It will sure to be a goodie.

and on the horizon we have an upcoming interview with Matt Hawkings from
Matt's strong opinions on video games and the indursty behind them will sure to make for an exciting, and unpredictable, interview. Make sure you check out for all the latest goings ons of Matt Hawkings to weit your fancy before the 99 Lives interview.

And also, the emulation ninja will be back, throwing smoke bombs and probably playing old school games on the PSP on one of the upcoming episodes.

A lot to read, I know, but again, it'll be recorded and published on our feed so you can pick it up on iTunes.

Nick Fox and Sodoom

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Episode 7 is up
Check it out here!

This episode marks our first interview, with none other than Vic the Emulation Ninja!
He explains about emulating games on the PSP and gives some valuble websites.

On a side note, Episode 8 will have lots of ICON information, rants, raves, cosplay, and some furries.

Stay Tuned folks and until next time...

~Nick Fox

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

99 Lives Now on Feedburner

In an ongoing effort to track listeners, I got 99 Lives Radio on feedburner. Check out this link to get to the site with all the episodes, and a way to subscribe to itunes!

Click Here For All Episodes!

We are going to use this link for each new episode here on the blog, and iTunes will also be updates with the raw XML.

if you dont know what any of this means... its ok, everything will still work for you.

Stick around for Episode 7 being recorded this week!

~Nick Fox

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nick Fox and Sodoom at ICON 26 This Weekend!

Hey all
If your are in the NYC tri state area... come on out to Stony Brook University for ICON26! Its pretty cool, totally nerdcore, and me and Sodoom will be there trying to touch Jamie Bamber and the dude/chick duo from mythbusters... ya know how we like our science here lol

but anyway, expect an awesome ICON pre and post info on episodes 7 and 8 of 99 Lives Radio.

StayTuned, and come on out!

~Nick Fox

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Episode 6 is now up!

Episode 6 is finally finished... giving new meaning to '18 hour day + I hate editing software'

Click Here For Episode 6!

That is where you can get it.. right click and save as.
The episode is also up on the iTunes Music Store... LEAVE US FEEDBACK! GOOD OR BAD! OR TERRIBLE!

also dont forget to email and call
email @
call @ 631-938-2929

~Nick Fox

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Episode 6 Show Notes

Clip: Bioshock: Hunting The Big Daddy Gameplay
Every piece of new media I see for Bioshock makes the unbearable wait until August 21 seem even longer. In this clip, Content Producer Melissa Miller takes us through seven glorious minutes of Bioshock gameplay where we get to see the use of several different weapons and plasmids, Bioshock's instant genetic modification abilities. The highlight of the clip, as the title implies, is a battle with one of the old fashioned diving suit wearing Big Daddies.
The Big Daddy might certainly be scary, but the sight of that creepy little girl sucking juices out of a dead body with a giant hypodermic and then drinking them will haunt my dreams forever. Flynn De Marco


First HD South Park Episode Coming To XBLM
Chris Kohler over at Game|Life is reporting that the first South Park episode ever to be presented in HD will be an Xbox Live exclusive. Starting Tuesday, March 6, the episode, Good Times With Weapons, will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace free of charge for the first two weeks. Then, from March 20 to April 3, Best Buy will be giving away free copies of the episode on HD-DVD with the purchase of an Xbox 360 or it's HD-DVD player.
In case you're like me and episode titles mean nothing to you, Good Times With Weapons is one where the boys acquire ninja weapons from the county fair. The bulk of the remainder of the episode is presented in letterbox format and animated in a great spoof of anime style. If you haven't seen it, I would highly suggest checking it out as it is (in my opinion anyway) one of the ten best South Park episodes ever made. You get ninja weapons, dead on anime style animation, Butters as Professor Chaos and Cartman's genitals. Who could ask for anything more? Flynn De Marco


New Heavenly Sword Footage On Last Mondays Heroes
Viewers of the NBC hit Heroes ("Like Any Parasite") will have one more reason to geek out, as brand new footage of the upcoming PLAYSTATION 3 game Heavenly Sword will be shown.
About 8 seconds of real-time footage will be shown of Ninja Theory's hack and slash action game, most of it focusing on the timed button pressing cinematic moments similar to Shenmue's quick time events or the boss battles in God of War. How's it look? From what I've seen of last night's early Canadian broadcast, pretty freakin' amazing. YouTube doesn't do it justice.


Fable 2's Big Thing: A Pet Dog
daritefeacherz - contributor
Published: 3 hours ago | Article | Xbox 360
Info Report
In an interview with Kotaku at at GDC 07, Peter Molyneux revealed some new details about Fable 2.

"I'm sitting in a small room with Peter Molyneux listening to him talk up Fable 2. There are, he tells me, three big things coming to the sequel to his role-playing game, but he only wants to talk about one of them today Love.

Love, Molyneux says, comes in three general flavors in the game. There is the appreciation the wide world feels toward your character as he lives and fights in their world. There is the ability to make love and make babies. Yes, you can be both a man or a woman and if you're a woman, you can get pregnant. A first, he believes, for a main character in an RPG.

But the big thing, one of the biggest parts of Fable 2, will be the introduction of a dog to the game. Not just any dog, but your dog. The dog will be faithful to you and will have a deeply nuanced artificial intelligence so you won't actually control your dog at all. Instead your dog will act as a sort of living HUD. The game has no map, no other user interface on screen. Instead you will have to rely on the dog and what he sees and does.

You also will control the dog by your own actions. A great example. You come upon two bad guys and pull our your gun (yes, the game has guns) and the dogs knows automatically attack the closer targets."


Xbox 360 100 Percent Failure Rate
And the crapped-out Xbox 360 frustrated consumer train continues! This time it's an employee at Texas-based Tek Republik, a full-service computer shop that also doubles as a gaming center. According to employee Chris_Tom:

Yes, every Xbox 360 I bought at launch is bricked with the 3 red flashing lights. Microsoft despite the widely reported policy of repairing hosed 360s for free that were manufactured in 2005 refuses to do so. That is pathetic. I have 4 hosed Xbox 360s sitting right here. I would gladly fix them if I could get an Xbox 360 motherboard from Foxconn. Believe me I would. Sorry, Microsoft wants to make even more money by forcing you to only be able to repair with them... Apparently only 4% of Xbox 360s have been faulty. My 100% rate must just be a statistical abberation beyond the mean. I doubt it. I've had statistics, and no other computer component I have ever owned has had that failure rate... This is a manufacturing failure of epic proportions. Perhaps one of the worst in history. This is right up their with the Atari ET game... I would prefer to just be able to buy a replacement board from Foxconn. Anyway, $140 a Xbox, half the cost of a core system to replace it. What a joke.

Just did a search around the Tek Republik's site, and they advertising having two Xbox 360s. If this is true, who's to blame: Microsoft or this dude's rotten luck? Brian Ashcraft


58.9% Of US Homes Don't Have Consoles
Results from a recent Nielsen report show that 41.1% of American households have a games console nestled somewhere underneath a TV. Which means 58.9% of Americans don't.
I know, 41% is a big number, and it's getting bigger all the time (the stats are up from 39.1% in 2005 and 35.2% in 2004), but it's still less than half. That's a lot of homes without consoles, and a lot of people who don't play games. Around 150,000,000, in fact, if you go by Nielsen's figures that 148.4 million Americans have access to (note: not necessarily play) a console.
Some other findings from the report are after the clicky-clicky.
There were 4.4 million homes with a console connected to the internet at the time of the report, which being "Q4 2006" means the PS3 and Wii weren't taken into account. That number should double real soon. Access to a console jumps when you're an 18-34 year-old male: 2/3 of all guys in this age group have access to one. At any given minute of any given day, 1.6 million Americans are using a video games console.
So many numbers. Time for a lie down. Luke Plunkett


Rachet and Clank PS3 game image. WOW dood i must say

GDC07: Blue Dragon Lands In August, Lost Odyssey Holiday '07
We had a chance to sit down with Mistwalker's Hironobu Sakaguchi this morning to get an update on the current state of the man's two RPGs, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey.
Sakaguchi walked us through one of Blue Dragon's boss fights, a mainly hands-off experience, plus one of the three on-rails shooter segments. The Blue Dragon North American release looks like it will be happening this August, with three separate pieces of downloadable content, described as "huge", released over a three to four month time period after launch. English voices were in place, but players who prefer Japanese dialogue are in luck—we were told that the original voiceover work will remain intact as an option for the US release.
The Final Fantasy creater then moved on to his more Western tailored RPG Lost Odyssey, previously demoed at the Tokyo Game Show.
While Sakaguchi prefaced his non-interactive demo with a warning about the early state of the game's lighting, the Unreal Engine 3-powered game still looked gorgeous. According to Sakaguchi, Mistwalker is "working to produce a level of graphics greater than Gears of War." Are they successful? I'll stand by a firm "umm maybe?"
We were shown an extended real-time cutscene, one that involved the male lead, Kaim Argonar, and his female compatriot meeting with their newest partner who just happens to be a womanizing drunkard. The animation and lip-synching was mostly spot on in the early demo. Sakaguchi let us know that the game would be originally voiced and synched in English, with a Japanese dub or subtitle treatment to follow for Lost Odyssey's native release.
Beyond Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and the upcoming Nintendo DS RTS title A.S.H. (Archaic Sealed Heat), Hironobu wouldn't say what else he was working on. Sadly, Sakaguchi declined to answer my request for a Rad Racer III. Michael McWhertor


We have to talk about Sonys HOME thingie. I have the info in my head :p

llink to video is in GameTrailers.

info is here in case i forget tho lol

As you read this Phil Harrison is standing in front of a packed auditorium at the Game Developers Conference unveiling what I think is a pretty damn cool new, free application for the Playstation 3.
Playstation Home is essentially a living world inside your console. It's probably a flawed analogy but think of it as Second Life meets the PS3.
The free service, which will go into beta this April and hit consoles this fall, will become a new menu item in the cross media bar.
When you select it you will be dropped into a virtual world peopled by life-like avatars. From what we saw during a press screening, customization of these avatars is incredibly flexible, allowing you to create something that looks as much like you as you would want.
Home starts you out in a central lobby. You use a virtual PSP in this world to access features, but can also just walk around. The main lobby we saw included dynamic advertising on billboards, games you could just walk up to and play, like bowling or pool and even a mini arcade that featured some cool little arcade titles.
You can communicate with others in the lobby by talking, typing, using motions or pre-written phrases.
After walking around inside this home lobby for a bit, Harrison jumped his avatar to his private apartment


GDC07: We Saw The Real Killzone Last Night
Despite telling enthusiast press outlet IGN that "No, Killzone won't be GDC at all" in February, Sony did show Killzone last night. Following the official announcement of the PLAYSTATION Edge developer software�an RSX profiling tool named GCM Replay and a set of lightweight, highly optimized libraries�Phil fired up a new look at Killzone, one of the Sony Worldwide Studios games to benefit from Edge.
However, before he rolled film, he extended one caveat to the press. "I need to kind of couch this first. This is to show you the technology, not to show you the game. So please don't be thinking about the game too much, I just want you to be looking at the imagery and how we've constructed some of the scenes and how complex some of the scenes are."


Clips: LittleBigPlanet in
This is the same level keynote attendees were shown during a live play session with Phil Harrison and the LittleBigPlanet team. Both real-time demonstrations we watched played out a little differently and the GDC keynote crowd exploded when the game was shown.
This is the biggest thing to come out of GDC07. Hyperbole? Yes, probably. Is the game worth it? Yes, probably. Michael McWhertor

show notes. (dont really read this....this is more so i dont forget lol)

Awesome moment in Games:
Mine. Getting the Zombie Genocider in Dead Rising.

"Whatchubeendoing" of the week:

Tons of Crackdown, Some GRAW2, Some LOTR online, OLD game Rune, Alinas DS lite, Assult Heroes, Alien Homind HD (HARD!!!!), Worms HD, South park freeEP.

EP 6 Beta NOTES!!!!

Poll of the Day
What do you think of the PlayStation 3 Home service?
I love it, I can't wait to go Home 7.53%

Looks promising, I'll check it out 16.19%

This could really give the PS3 a Second Life... *snicker* 19.42%

Meh, it doesn't look terribly interesting 22.32%

Wow, is Sony even trying anymore? 34.53%




We got TMNT on weds! WOOT!!!!1 XBLA FTW! Make sure to make point about how Wiis VC games are just reg ol' un-hooked-up ports.


PC wireless XBOX 360 adapter is out..FUCKING WOOT!


EGM: Moore on 360 and its successor

In a recent interview with EGM, Peter Moore gave some insight on the future of Microsoft's next console. He stated that the production team for the 360 is currently working on its successor, and are looking at what kind of computing power will be available around 2011 and 2012. That puts the lifespan of the 360 somewhere between 6 to 7 years, which is certainly better than the original Xbox's 4 year




It seems Microsoft are looking to completely obliterate the competition in the second half of 2007. Just look at their line-up:

May - Forza 2
June - Shadowrun
July - Mass Effect
August - Blue Dragon
September - Halo 3
October - Grand Theft Auto 4
November - Project Gotham Racing 4
December - Lost Odyssey

How could any gamer resist a run like that? Combined with a price drop, Microsoft could very well boost their sales back over the top of the Wii, which currently dominates next-gen console sales. The power of such awesome titles should not be underestimated. And with the Wireless Force Feedback wheel, sales of Forza 2 and PGR4 could go through the roof!

Of course, with Nintendo's trio of Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, and Super Smash Bros Brawl, there will be a lot of competition. By that time, Sony will also be releasing some stellar titles of their own.

This year could be the best yet for gamers!

As Always, be sure to check out for any clips we talk about in the show, and check out any other sweet links!

be sure to email us at
and call our voicemail box at 631-938-2929

Live Long And Prosper
~Nick Fox

Episode 6 Show Notes

Are Coming soon!

Episode 6: When System Freezes, Blow On Cartridge

Well its been two weeks, but episode 6 is recorded.

Ya know when your xbox 360 freezes and you cant soft restart, well, thats what happened to us.

Im bogged down with school work but the feed will be fixed and epi 6 will be up ASAP


Sunday, March 11, 2007


99 Lives is now up on so that is pretty cool, go check it out if you want to download the episodes.

Me and Sodoom are still in denial about losing our episode 6, but dont fret everyone... itll get out there this week.

I think that is it for now. Stay tuned for our emulation ninja special in episode 6

so until then boys and girls...

~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Saturday, March 10, 2007


As you all have probably realized... there is no episode 6 this week.

I screwed up and lost the recording file on my editing computer... so... well, we lost the whole show.

I was pretty angry, as I suppose you all were as well.

BUT DONT FRET! next weeks episode will be episode 6, and itll friggin rock!

in the meantime, go to and check out some screenies and previews!

~Nick Fox

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Computers pwn me

I have to admit, I suck on the internet.

I'll work on getting pictures up on this for the show notes, so you guys will be able to be blown away by sweet screenshots!

so anyway, episode 6 will be up tomorrow when I get a chance to edit it. School has been killing me, as you'll hear!

i love all of you listeners

~Nick Fox (and Sodoom sends his regards)

News Show Notes from Episode 6!


Clip: Bioshock: Hunting The Big Daddy Gameplay
Every piece of new media I see for Bioshock makes the unbearable wait until August 21 seem even longer. In this clip, Content Producer Melissa Miller takes us through seven glorious minutes of Bioshock gameplay where we get to see the use of several different weapons and plasmids, Bioshock's instant genetic modification abilities. The highlight of the clip, as the title implies, is a battle with one of the old fashioned diving suit wearing Big Daddies.
The Big Daddy might certainly be scary, but the sight of that creepy little girl sucking juices out of a dead body with a giant hypodermic and then drinking them will haunt my dreams forever. Flynn De Marco


First HD South Park Episode Coming To XBLM
Chris Kohler over at Game|Life is reporting that the first South Park episode ever to be presented in HD will be an Xbox Live exclusive. Starting Tuesday, March 6, the episode, Good Times With Weapons, will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace free of charge for the first two weeks. Then, from March 20 to April 3, Best Buy will be giving away free copies of the episode on HD-DVD with the purchase of an Xbox 360 or it's HD-DVD player.
In case you're like me and episode titles mean nothing to you, Good Times With Weapons is one where the boys acquire ninja weapons from the county fair. The bulk of the remainder of the episode is presented in letterbox format and animated in a great spoof of anime style. If you haven't seen it, I would highly suggest checking it out as it is (in my opinion anyway) one of the ten best South Park episodes ever made. You get ninja weapons, dead on anime style animation, Butters as Professor Chaos and Cartman's genitals. Who could ask for anything more? Flynn De Marco


New Heavenly Sword Footage On Last Mondays Heroes
Viewers of the NBC hit Heroes ("Like Any Parasite") will have one more reason to geek out, as brand new footage of the upcoming PLAYSTATION 3 game Heavenly Sword will be shown.
About 8 seconds of real-time footage will be shown of Ninja Theory's hack and slash action game, most of it focusing on the timed button pressing cinematic moments similar to Shenmue's quick time events or the boss battles in God of War. How's it look? From what I've seen of last night's early Canadian broadcast, pretty freakin' amazing. YouTube doesn't do it justice.


Fable 2's Big Thing: A Pet Dog
daritefeacherz - contributor
Published: 3 hours ago | Article | Xbox 360
Info Report
In an interview with Kotaku at at GDC 07, Peter Molyneux revealed some new details about Fable 2.

"I'm sitting in a small room with Peter Molyneux listening to him talk up Fable 2. There are, he tells me, three big things coming to the sequel to his role-playing game, but he only wants to talk about one of them today: Love.

Love, Molyneux says, comes in three general flavors in the game. There is the appreciation the wide world feels toward your character as he lives and fights in their world. There is the ability to make love and make babies. Yes, you can be both a man or a woman and if you're a woman, you can get pregnant. A first, he believes, for a main character in an RPG.

But the big thing, one of the biggest parts of Fable 2, will be the introduction of a dog to the game. Not just any dog, but your dog. The dog will be faithful to you and will have a deeply nuanced artificial intelligence so you won't actually control your dog at all. Instead your dog will act as a sort of living HUD. The game has no map, no other user interface on screen. Instead you will have to rely on the dog and what he sees and does.

You also will control the dog by your own actions. A great example. You come upon two bad guys and pull our your gun (yes, the game has guns) and the dogs knows automatically attack the closer targets."


Xbox 360 100 Percent Failure Rate
And the crapped-out Xbox 360 frustrated consumer train continues! This time it's an employee at Texas-based Tek Republik, a full-service computer shop that also doubles as a gaming center. According to employee Chris_Tom:

Yes, every Xbox 360 I bought at launch is bricked with the 3 red flashing lights. Microsoft despite the widely reported policy of repairing hosed 360s for free that were manufactured in 2005 refuses to do so. That is pathetic. I have 4 hosed Xbox 360s sitting right here. I would gladly fix them if I could get an Xbox 360 motherboard from Foxconn. Believe me I would. Sorry, Microsoft wants to make even more money by forcing you to only be able to repair with them... Apparently only 4% of Xbox 360s have been faulty. My 100% rate must just be a statistical abberation beyond the mean. I doubt it. I've had statistics, and no other computer component I have ever owned has had that failure rate... This is a manufacturing failure of epic proportions. Perhaps one of the worst in history. This is right up their with the Atari ET game... I would prefer to just be able to buy a replacement board from Foxconn. Anyway, $140 a Xbox, half the cost of a core system to replace it. What a joke.

Just did a search around the Tek Republik's site, and they advertising having two Xbox 360s. If this is true, who's to blame: Microsoft or this dude's rotten luck? Brian Ashcraft


58.9% Of US Homes Don't Have Consoles
consolesunderTV.jpg Results from a recent Nielsen report show that 41.1% of American households have a games console nestled somewhere underneath a TV. Which means 58.9% of Americans don't.
I know, 41% is a big number, and it's getting bigger all the time (the stats are up from 39.1% in 2005 and 35.2% in 2004), but it's still less than half. That's a lot of homes without consoles, and a lot of people who don't play games. Around 150,000,000, in fact, if you go by Nielsen's figures that 148.4 million Americans have access to (note: not necessarily play) a console.
Some other findings from the report are after the clicky-clicky.
There were 4.4 million homes with a console connected to the internet at the time of the report, which being "Q4 2006" means the PS3 and Wii weren't taken into account. That number should double real soon. Access to a console jumps when you're an 18-34 year-old male: 2/3 of all guys in this age group have access to one. At any given minute of any given day, 1.6 million Americans are using a video games console.
So many numbers. Time for a lie down. Luke Plunkett


Rachet and Clank PS3 game image. WOW dood i must say


GDC07: Blue Dragon Lands In August, Lost Odyssey Holiday '07
LOST ODYSSEY WOOOOWe had a chance to sit down with Mistwalker's Hironobu Sakaguchi this morning to get an update on the current state of the man's two RPGs, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey.
Sakaguchi walked us through one of Blue Dragon's boss fights, a mainly hands-off experience, plus one of the three on-rails shooter segments. The Blue Dragon North American release looks like it will be happening this August, with three separate pieces of downloadable content, described as "huge", released over a three to four month time period after launch. English voices were in place, but players who prefer Japanese dialogue are in luck—we were told that the original voiceover work will remain intact as an option for the US release.
The Final Fantasy creater then moved on to his more Western tailored RPG Lost Odyssey, previously demoed at the Tokyo Game Show.
While Sakaguchi prefaced his non-interactive demo with a warning about the early state of the game's lighting, the Unreal Engine 3-powered game still looked gorgeous. According to Sakaguchi, Mistwalker is "working to produce a level of graphics greater than Gears of War." Are they successful? I'll stand by a firm "umm maybe?"
We were shown an extended real-time cutscene, one that involved the male lead, Kaim Argonar, and his female compatriot meeting with their newest partner who just happens to be a womanizing drunkard. The animation and lip-synching was mostly spot on in the early demo. Sakaguchi let us know that the game would be originally voiced and synched in English, with a Japanese dub or subtitle treatment to follow for Lost Odyssey's native release.
Beyond Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and the upcoming Nintendo DS RTS title A.S.H. (Archaic Sealed Heat), Hironobu wouldn't say what else he was working on. Sadly, Sakaguchi declined to answer my request for a Rad Racer III. Michael McWhertor


We have to talk about Sonys HOME thingie. I have the info in my head :p

llink to video is in GameTrailers.

info is here in case i forget tho lol

As you read this Phil Harrison is standing in front of a packed auditorium at the Game Developers Conference unveiling what I think is a pretty damn cool new, free application for the Playstation 3.
Playstation Home is essentially a living world inside your console. It's probably a flawed analogy but think of it as Second Life meets the PS3.
The free service, which will go into beta this April and hit consoles this fall, will become a new menu item in the cross media bar.
When you select it you will be dropped into a virtual world peopled by life-like avatars. From what we saw during a press screening, customization of these avatars is incredibly flexible, allowing you to create something that looks as much like you as you would want.
Home starts you out in a central lobby. You use a virtual PSP in this world to access features, but can also just walk around. The main lobby we saw included dynamic advertising on billboards, games you could just walk up to and play, like bowling or pool and even a mini arcade that featured some cool little arcade titles.
You can communicate with others in the lobby by talking, typing, using motions or pre-written phrases.
After walking around inside this home lobby for a bit, Harrison jumped his avatar to his private apartment


March 72007
GDC07: We Saw The Real Killzone Last Night
I WANT YOUR EXPECTATIONS ON THE GROUND, SOLDIER!Despite telling enthusiast press outlet IGN that "No, Killzone won't be GDC at all" in February, Sony did show Killzone last night. Following the official announcement of the PLAYSTATION Edge developer software�an RSX profiling tool named GCM Replay and a set of lightweight, highly optimized libraries�Phil fired up a new look at Killzone, one of the Sony Worldwide Studios games to benefit from Edge.
However, before he rolled film, he extended one caveat to the press. "I need to kind of couch this first. This is to show you the technology, not to show you the game. So please don't be thinking about the game too much, I just want you to be looking at the imagery and how we've constructed some of the scenes and how complex some of the scenes are."


Clips: LittleBigPlanet in
This is the same level keynote attendees were shown during a live play session with Phil Harrison and the LittleBigPlanet team. Both real-time demonstrations we watched played out a little differently and the GDC keynote crowd exploded when the game was shown.
This is the biggest thing to come out of GDC07. Hyperbole? Yes, probably. Is the game worth it? Yes, probably. Michael McWhertor

Monday, March 5, 2007

Now the offical website!

Hey all

I tried podbean in hopes it would be our home on the internet, but since that fell through, its time to use a regular ol blog!

be sure to check out the show notes posted along with the episodes.

and hey, if you dont know already, go on itunes and get the podcast!

99 lives radio is the new wave in video game / geek podcasting... all the cool kids are listening... so why arent you?

catch episode 6 and possibly 6.5 on Friday on iTunes.

~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Friday, January 26, 2007

yet another test

test test test test test

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Test Entry

Just made this Blog, and this is the test entry.

Be sure to check out the first podcast soon!

~Nick Fox