Friday, August 31, 2007


No, this isn't about guild wars... as far as I know, that game sucks. No, this is about guilds; in all of their glorious drama.

Up until this week I have had a more than plesent affair with guilds in world of warcraft. I was in a guild called "Oblivion Reborn" (fit right in with those other classic numetal names) and everything was real fine.

So apparently something happened one night after I went to sleep, and when I logged on the next day, half the lvl 70 members were gone, the GM had stepped down, then more aussies left because of the new GM, and then the former GM apoligizing to the 2 people on at the time and gquitting.

So me and my girlfriend (Bouba 70 warrior protection) didn't know what to do. Should we jump ship and find greener pastures? Should we try to bring back the OR team and keep raiding Kara?

Well, all the last stuff was too much work, so we decided to leave. Bye Oblivion Reborn, Hello guildless life!

And what a life it is. Tells from the top 10 guilds would stream in constantly (moreso for Bouba than myself). We put a few apps on a few guild websites and long story short, we finally arrived at a guild called Aphotic (it means lightless, duh) lists them as #11th guild on Eonar, which is an improvement from #51 Oblivion Reborn. Yet Aphotic remains casual and youthful, which is a good thing.

check out to check your guild's ranking, as well as who is first on your server.

ATM Zumacrume is in all the primal mooncloth gear, and saving mats for the whitemend set and pvp boots. oh pvp with a holy priest.

Check back soon for more Eonar updates!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wrath of the Lich King info

Hey all
I plan on updating this blog more since it is easier to update than a podcast, so to kick it off, here is an good link to a 25 minute interview with Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan at the Leipzig Games Convention telling a lot about the new World of Warcraft xpack

So check that out, and also notice that patch 2.2 will have voice chat, and patch 2.3 will unlock Zul'Aman in Ghostlands.

~Nick Fox