Monday, September 17, 2007

99 Lives Radio: Bookmark This!

That's the link you need to feed your face with 99 Lives Radio if you don't have iTunes. Do it bros and sis'!

New episode this Saturday!

Pictures soon!

~Nick Fox

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Episode 12: Friendship! ...Friendship?

Is up on iTunes. Can you believe it? I cant.
In the beginning of the cast, I mention a call we got, and how I was going to play it at the end. Well, if you listen to the cast this week... i dont actually play it. One because it was a wrong number, and two because I couldnt find it on my computer. But who cares about wrong numbers anyway?

Hope you enjoy the cast...sometime soon we plan to get some sweet promo pictures up to pimp the cast. They will be amazing, I promise.

Until next week listeners,
~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Monday, September 10, 2007

Episode 11: Bastok's Second (and Third) Best Dressed.

IS NOW ON iTUNES!. go get it on the iTunes music store. It is a goodie.

Call us! 631-938-2929
e-mail us!
read this blog!

Episode 12 will be recorded on Friday!

~Nick Fox

Thursday, September 6, 2007

An Amazing Comeback?


The answer, is yes. Now that all my personal shit is here at school, we will be restarting the audio version of 99 Lives Radio starting asap. Sodoom and I will be recording on Friday nights from now on, so be sure to check the iTunes Music Store frequently for new episodes!

I don't know how many of you read the last post, but at that time I joined a new guild called Aphotic. As of 3 days ago, I am guildless again. I guess I'm cursed or something, because Ive been in two guilds that have broken in less than a week. Don't correct the grammar on that one, I'm tired and between classes.

So be sure to check and your iTunes music store for episode 11 of 99 Lives Radio soon!

~Nick Fox