Monday, April 30, 2007


Hell-o everyone.
I know you're all waiting for Episode 8... and it might happen this Saturday! Sodoom and I are gathering for a day of video gaming, fooding, D&D'ing, and all around shit. If we can figure it out, we'll record a real shitty version of the show using a headset and/or onboard laptop microphone. We apologize for it, but hey, its better than no episode.

Anyway, the real purpose of this blog entry is to thank everyone who have left comments on iTunes, or anywhere else for that matter. Keep doing it, and I assure you a great many years of 99 lives!

For personal news, I transferred my 29 Undead Warlock over from Mannoroth to Eonar. It is so much better. I intend on zerging him up as fast as possible. Also, my Tauren Shaman dinged 45 last night in Zul'Farrak. That was pretty cool. 5 more talent points til I max out the resto tree. wewt.

Also, I've been going through serious FFXI withdrawl recently. Anyone else getting that? I miss my puppetmaster/white mage. and my 75bard/white mage. le sigh.

thats all for now everyone. Please stay tuned for the next episode which is coming really soon.

keep playing pokemon. I got Chimchar to evolve yesterday, along with Chinx who is now a electric/dark pokemon. Chimchars evolution is now fire/fighting. so good.

~Nick Fox

Friday, April 27, 2007

Not Episode 8: Worst Headset Ever. A Filler for Teh Kids.

The newest episode is up on iTunes and other assorted pod catchers...

its not a real episode, pretty much only Nick Fox verbally harassing pokemon.

We are recording a real episode hopefully tomorrow?

stay tuned folks...

and love you chinxes

~Nick Fox and this time, not Sodoom

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl: Hands-on

So yes dear listeners, Nick Fox woke up at 7am to rush down to the local in mall video game store to get a copy of both pokemon diamond and Pearl...

For those of you living under geodudes, pokemon diamond and Pearl were released simultaniously this morning at 8am here on Long Island, and I was among the first to pick them up.

Me and my girlfriend went into to city, I got Pokemon Pearl, while she got Pokemon Diamond. We played for about 3 hours total today on the train, here is the thoughts:

First off, the graphics aren't has unhashed as I previously thought. Instead of mostly top down view, its now mostly 3/4 view, which is ok. Things like buildings and stuff look kind of three dimentional, and things are kind of pretty looking. But I can't compare the graphics to anything found in the FF3 release (those begining cut scenes.... made me speechless)

So graphics aside, here are some gameplay issues:
1) The game relies A LOT on the touchpad. Nothing fun like minigames (yet, I have hopes after reading the game booklet), but mostly touching through menus to get your pokemon to attack, or to throw a pokeball, etc.
This is ok, since you can get through all of the menus with the d-pad, but silly things like extra description menus of pokeballs and potions can get unnessesary after a few hours.
2) The pokemon - I know it's only 3 hours in... but can I get some less cute pokemon? The starting 3 pokemon are, as everyone suspects, a grass type, a fire type, and a water type. The grass type pokemon is a turtle, the water type is a penguin, and the fire type is a.... chimpanzee? of course I went with the chimpanzee, whose name happens to be CHIMCHAR! all cute as hell, including the pokemon you fight in the wild, which include both beavers and electric cat like things. Pidgey rip-off's also included.
3) WTF happened to prof oak? The loveable old man who gets you into pokemon in the first place is totally AWOL, which leaves the stage open for some other grey haired scientest. Instead of being warmly introduced into pokemon, you pretty much steal some to keep from being killed by the pidgey rip-offs, and due to the amazing impression you make on the stolen pokemon, you can't give them back. Guess this new scientest will have to recruit you and your friend into helping him know every pokemon in the world. Sounds like the begining of a pokemon collecting adventure!

The game is good so far, and color-wise, looks amazing on the DS lite. Owning a DS fat, i felt bad for myself, but my girlfriend let me look at the cool pokemon on hers. By cool, I mean colorful, not uncute. I'm still waiting for those.

so go pick up Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I am not getting paid to say that. New pokemon, as well as old favorites like geodude and abra are around to teleport away and totally ruin your night. Uploading for firered, leafgreen, and other advance pokemon games make filling your pokedex even less nerve-wracking!

thats all for now... episode 8 will happen this weekend, we hope.

by the way, in my pokemon pearl file, i made my name tuza, and my friend is Sodoom. and of course, sodoom took the fucking strong element over my pokemon, the queer.

so long for now!
~Nick Fox and Sodoom

Monday, April 16, 2007

Episode 8: Where Is It?

OMFG guys and girls... what a crazy few weeks it has been!

Let me update you on what has been going on:

During spring break, Nick Fox was admitted to the hospital for 7 days which, in the end, resulted in surgury. He is fine, albeit one gallbladder short. He had 5 gallstones, and doctors needed to remove it. Nick Fox says it is where he stored all his soulshards, so... he now rerolled as a Shaman.

After that, Nick Fox also got into a fight with the higher ups at WUSB radio, subsequently quitting, and thereby losing the 99 Lives Radio Recording Studio. So, we haven't had a place to record the podcast. This was all last week, by the way. So now, Nick Fox searches the internet to find ways to get all the recording done on his laptop, for as free as he can.

Meanwhile.. Sodoom idles by and makes fun of Nick Fox. Sodoom speaks spanish and eats Quiznos subs and plays video games and lets Nick Fox fix everything ^_~

So, in the long and short of it... WE'RE WORKIN' ON IT!

99 Lives Radio has no intentions of disappearing on the great void which is the internet. I will be recording all of this tonight (hopefully) by myself (me being Nick Fox) and posting it as a filler non-episode, so you can get all of these updates fed right to your iTunes.

Stay Tuned for Episode 8.... as soon as we can fucking figure out what we're doing with our lives. It will sure to be a goodie.

and on the horizon we have an upcoming interview with Matt Hawkings from
Matt's strong opinions on video games and the indursty behind them will sure to make for an exciting, and unpredictable, interview. Make sure you check out for all the latest goings ons of Matt Hawkings to weit your fancy before the 99 Lives interview.

And also, the emulation ninja will be back, throwing smoke bombs and probably playing old school games on the PSP on one of the upcoming episodes.

A lot to read, I know, but again, it'll be recorded and published on our feed so you can pick it up on iTunes.

Nick Fox and Sodoom